Drop off Notice Car #Please enter a number less than or equal to 200.Car number located on the key tag or written between license plate numberConfirmation #*Confirmation # or Main name on reservationEmail* PhoneDeparture NotificationDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Departure Time* : HH MM AM PM AM/PM Drop off LocationKimos ShopFree Shuttles from Kimos Shop to Airport during business hours. Location 440 Alamaha Street, Kahului hi 96732Drop off LocationKahului Airport (OGG)$15 parking fees if you drop off vehicle at Kahului Airport after hours.Drop off LocationKimos ShopFree Shuttles from Kimos Shop to Airport during business hours. Location 440 Alamaha Street, Kahului hi 96732Drop off LocationKahului Airport (OGG)$15 parking fees if you drop off vehicle at Kahului Airport after hours.CommentsLock Box and Steering Wheel lockLock Box information I have Lock box and wheel lock code I don't have Lock Box and Wheel Lock Code Call Office to get Lock Box Code808 280-6327Follow Departure instructionsVehicle need to be completely locked with keys inside lock box and steering wheel lock secured